Find a Doctor | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
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Find a Doctor

Search for doctors at Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) at our facilities at Dhahran, Abqaiq, Al-Hasa, Ras Tanura and 'Udhailiyah. You can search by location, specialty service, condition or keyword, or by doctor’s name.

Choosing your Primary Care physician

If you are registered with JHAH and do not have a Primary Care physician assigned, you can select one of our available doctors through our Find a Doctor search. We will let you know once your request has been processed.

  1. Select your location and choose 'Primary Care' under 'Care Category'
  2. Check the box 'Show physicians with patient vacancies only' and click 'Find a Doctor'
  3. Select your preferred physician, fill the form 'Send a request to register' and click 'Register'
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