Adult oncology | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
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What is adult oncology?

If you are over 18 and have been diagnosed with cancer, you will receive treatment at Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare’s (JHAH) Adult Oncology Clinic. Our specialists at the Oncology Institute treat a variety of cancers on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. You will receive an individual care plan based on your specific circumstances, and the best possible treatment.

Cancer treatment involves many types of medicine and can be complex. We aim to make your treatment comfortable and comprehensive, providing care in a compassionate environment. We will explain what is happening and why, and will be there for you and your family to talk with at every stage of your care.

Some cancer cases are taken to a panel of our experts in a weekly review called a Tumor Board. At this meeting, the group discusses the case and relevant laboratory and image findings to agree on a proposed course of treatment as a team. All breast cancer patients are reviewed by a panel of experts prior to their first appointment.

What to expect from adult oncology

At your first appointment, you will see one of our experienced specialists and review your personal case and treatment options. Our team will discuss the findings of any tests with you and your family – including relevant information about your diagnosis – before agreeing on a plan of care.

Our expert nursing staff will coordinate follow-up appointments with the care team. This may include a medical oncologist, a hematologist, a surgeon, a radiation oncologist, a nurse educator, a nutritionist and a social worker.

We will make every effort to arrange these follow-up appointments at JHAH Al-Hasa Health Center if you live nearby, or will schedule within a week if you are being treated at the Dhahran Health Center.

Our nursing team will talk you through what to expect before and after your treatment, including any necessary laboratory work and radiology tests. Most tests should be completed within 48 hours prior to your treatment.

Our nursing team will call you before your treatments to review your laboratory results and talk you through any preparations needed prior to your visit to the clinic. Our program coordinators will collect all your necessary documents. If you have any external documents from other facilities, it is important to bring these with you or have them sent from the external facility.

Bring something with you to read, your mobile phone or tablet, and any other items that will help to make you comfortable, such as a blanket or slippers. Many treatments are several hours long, and you will be sitting or lying down during this time. If you have questions for your doctor or nurse, write them down and bring them with you, so that we can talk them through and assist you on your journey.

Once your treatment plan is in place, we will order laboratory work and set a schedule for your care. You may have hormone therapy, chemotherapy, surgery or radiation as indicated by your diagnosis. The nurse coordinator and educator will schedule regular follow-ups to answer questions and advise you on specific preparations for each stage of your care. You can expect to have routine check-in appointments with your oncology physician.

Treatments are in multiple cycles and can be time-sensitive. It is important to attend your treatment sessions on time and at the scheduled time only. We will not be able to accommodate earlier unscheduled times, as this impacts the care of others.

Changes to your treatment may be necessary, and our skilled clinicians will work with you to ensure that the best treatment plan is applied.

Immediately following your course of treatment, you will have a follow-up appointment with your specialist. They may order diagnostic tests to monitor your health, and will determine the appropriate timing to follow up in clinic. When you are ready, you will be discharged to your Primary Care doctor.

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