Mohammed Mohammed | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare


Dr. Mohammed Mohammed

Dr. Mohammed Mohammed

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

Chair, Health, Safety, and Environment

Dr. Mohammed completed his occupational medicine residency at West Virginia University, MPH in Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences, WVU, USA 2015. He is also specialized in internal medicine from Saint Vincent Hospital at Worcester, MA, USA 2013.

Dr. Mohammed has an Executive Master of Business Administration from KFUPM. He worked as an Occupation Medicine Consultant (June 2015), Occupation Medicine Unit Head, November 2017-2021, and is now Chairman, Health Safety & Environment, 2021-Present.


JHAH Patient Safety Symposium 2022

Dr. Mohammed will be speaking at JHAH’s 2022 International Quality and Patient Safety Symposium “The impact of Quality & Patient Safety in Transforming Healthcare”, which will be held on March 20-21. 

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