Ahlam Haddad | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare


Ahlam Haddad

Ahlam Haddad

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, Riyadh 

Quality Coordinator

Ahlam Haddad is an oncology nurse by practice, with 11 years of experience in quality leadership positions at KFSHRC, Riyadh. With a keen focus on care process improvement, she is certified by many international quality bodies and is a Robust Process Improvement Coach at her organization.

Ahlam Haddad also supports the national quality mission of CBAHI since becoming a certified CBAHI surveyor four years ago and has surveyed more than 40 hospitals around the Kingdom.


JHAH Patient Safety Symposium 2022

Ahlam Haddad will be speaking at JHAH’s 2022 International Quality and Patient Safety Symposium “The impact of Quality & Patient Safety in Transforming Healthcare”, which will be held on March 20-21. 

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