New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) - Useful Resources | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
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COVID-19 Useful Resources

COVID-19 awareness materials

Browse our collection of resources on COVID-19, including useful information for patients, visitors and those self-isolating at home.

Practicing good hygiene

Practicing good hygiene can help to minimize the spread of infection, for example washing your hands frequently, cleaning surfaces regularly with disinfectant, and covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.

Physical distancing

Physical distancing can reduce the rate of COVID-19 transmission by half. Find out more about physical distancing, including what to do when greeting family or friends.

Home isolation and quarantine

Read our guidance on what to do if you are an individual isolating at home or if you are isolating with other members of your household.

Daily Tasks

To help minimize the spread of infection, take proper precautions when you carry out daily tasks such as going to/from work, the grocery store or the pharmacy.

Emotional Health Support

The COVID-19 Mental Health Tool Kit is a COVID-19 guide for communities and patients in isolation, quarantine, and their family and friends.

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) has also opened the Emotional Help Line to provide psychological support and counseling when needed for particularly exposed JHAH patients.

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