Immune System Boosting Meal Plans | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
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Meal Planning - Nutrition Program to Strengthen the Immune System

Your meal plan should be well-balanced, nutritious and satisfactory. It also needs to support your immune system against microorganisms that cause infection. A well-balanced, nutritious mean plan reduces your risk for diabetes and many kinds of cancer. It also supports bone health as it is rich in calcium and vitamin D, and it helps regulate bowel movements as it is rich in fiber, fluids and the nutrients needed for skin and hair health. Finally, it supports muscle mass as it is rich in protein.

A Proper Meal Plan

A proper daily meal plan consists of the following:

  • Pasteurized low-fat or nonfat milk, buttermilk or yogurt = 3 cups
  • Clean fruits or sterilized, packaged unsweetened fruit juice = 3 servings
  • Clean, sanitized vegetables  = 6 servings
  • Starch = 3 servings
  • Well-cooked, lean protein = 8 servings
  • Healthy oil = 3 teaspoons


  • 1 cup of low-fat or nonfat milk
  • 2 choices of bread (2 slices of whole-wheat bread or 1 cup unsweetened cold/hot cereal (preferably nutritionally fortified)
  • 2 choices of protein, 60 grams, such as packaged low-fat cheese, eggs (well-cooked with no watery egg yolk) or packaged low-fat labneh
  • 1 choice of fruit or 1 cup of unsweetened fruit juice
  • 1 teaspoon of healthy oil

Mid-morning snack

1 choice of fruit or 1 cup unsweetened fruit juice


  • 1 cup soup (vegetable or broth)
  • 2 choices of bread (2 slices of whole-wheat bread, 1 cup cooked rice or pasta, or one medium potato (100 grams, baked or boiled)
  • 2 choices of vegetables (one bowl of salad or steamed vegetables)
  • 3 choices of well-cooked meat, skinless poultry or baked/grilled fish
  • 1 teaspoon of healthy oil

Mid-afternoon snack

  • 1 salad, vinegar or lemon optional
  • 1 cup low-fat or nonfat milk, yogurt or laban


  • 1 cup of vegetable or broth
  • 2 choices of bread (2 slices of whole-wheat bread, 1 cup cooked rice or pasta, or one medium potato (100 grams, baked, boiled or roasted)
  • 2 choices of vegetables (one bowl of salad or steamed vegetables)
  • 4 choices of well-cooked, lean protein (120 grams of skinless poultry, baked/grilled fish or lean beef/lamb)
  • 1 teaspoon of healthy oil

Evening snack

  • 1 choice of fruit or 1 cup unsweetened fruit juice
  • 1 choice (1 cup) of low-fat or nonfat milk, yogurt or buttermilk
  • 1 choice of vegetables such as a salad
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