Dr. Wadea Al Khonizy | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
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Dr. Wadea Al Khonizy

Dr. Wadea Al Khonizy

Professional Title: Rheumatologist

Specialty: Rheumatology

Location: Al-Hasa, Dhahran

Gender: Male

Languages: Arabic, English

Professional Experience

1997 - present: Rheumatology, Saudi Aramco Medical Services (SAMSO)

1992 - present: General Internist and Rheumatologist, Saudi Aramco Medical Services (SAMSO)

1997 - 1999: Rheumatology, UH, Houston, USA

1989 - 1992: Indiana Medical Center, Indiana, USA

1989 - 1992: Internal Medicine, IU, Indiana, USA

1986 - 1988: Rotation - Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, General Practice, Emergency Medicine, (SAMSO)

1985 - 1986: General Medicine, Heathfield Hospital, Ayr, UK


1999 - American board of Rheumatology, USA

1994 - American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), USA


1985 - General Surgery, Our Lady's Hospital, Navan, Ireland

1985 - Neurosurgery St Laurence's Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

Medical School

1978 - 1984: Royal College of Surgeons, National University of Ireland, Second Class Honours, Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MB, BCh) Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians (LRCP) & SI, BAO

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