Detox diet tips | مركز جونز هوبكنز أرامكو الطبي
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Detox diet tips

Our experts at Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) have created a detox diet plan to help you enrich your body with antioxidants. The diet plan aims to combat free radicals and clear away toxins, benefitting your brain, heart, lungs and kidneys, skin, and immune system. 

The plan incorporates the following tips:

  • Keep hydrated by regularly drinking fluids – mainly water. This will help to flush toxins from your body
  • Cut sugar, sweetened drinks and refined carbohydrates from your diet. Replace them with fresh or dried fruits 
  • Consume brightly colored fruit and vegetables (a minimum of five servings a day), including tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, oranges and lemons. Alternative suggestions include drinking lemon blended with cucumber and mint, or putting a bit of cinnamon on apple slices
  • Limit your intake of processed and smoked food, canned meat, and salty/fatty sauces and dressings 
  • Consume lean protein, such as salmon, turkey or chicken. Remove the skin for better results
  • Bake, grill or steam your food, and limit deep-fat frying/charcoal grilling 
  • Lose excess weight by consuming low-calorie food/drinks and balanced meals, and performing regular exercise that includes both aerobic and strength training 
  • Eat in moderation. It is best to eat more frequently, consuming a small amount each time
  • Avoid constipation by consuming food rich in fiber, including whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Consume food that is rich in antioxidants, including seeds, nuts, salmon, tuna, fruit, vegetables and green tea

Other tips for a healthier lifestyle include:

  • Limit your alcohol intake 
  • Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine, as it depletes the body of fluids
  • Avoid active and passive smoking
  • Exercise regularly to keep healthy and improve blood circulation
  • Wash your hands with water and soap several times a day
  • Get adequate rest and sleep 
  • Practice stress management and be socially active 
  • Avoid taking supplements or medication without your doctor’s approval
  • Practice deep breathing to oxygenate your body and brain 


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