د. علاء الدين حاطوم | مركز جونز هوبكنز أرامكو الطبي
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د. علاء الدين حاطوم

د. علاء الدين حاطوم

المسمى الوظيفي: أخصائي بصريات

التخصص: طب العيون

الموقع: الظهران

الجنس: ذكر

اللغات: العربية, الإنجليزية

Professional Experience

2008 - present: Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Consultant Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Strabismus & Ocular Motility, Saudi Aramco Medical Services Organization (SAMSO)/Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

2007 - 2008: Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Consultant Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Strabismus & Ocular Motility, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn, UK

2003 - 2007: Acting Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Consultant Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Strabismus & Ocular Motility, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK

1999 - 2003: Associate Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Consultant Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Strabismus & Ocular Motility, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK


1992 - Certificate of Specialist in Ophthalmology, Ministry of Health, Damascus, Syria

1997 - Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCS), UK


1985 - 1987: Internal Medicine & Surgery foundation Training, Teshreen Military Hospital, Damascus, Syria

1988 - 1992: Resident in Ophthalmology, Teshreen Military Hospital, Damascus, Syria

1994 - 1999: Resident in Ophthalmology, Birmingham & Midlands Ophthalmology Training, UK

Medical School

1985 - Doctor of Medicine, Damascus University, Syria

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