COVID-19 Testing | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
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COVID-19 Testing

Are you experiencing COVID-19 symptoms?

Avoid the long lines at the clinic and access “Suspected COVID-19 Video Visits” on MyChart or call the Nurse Care Line. A clinician will assess your condition and, if COVID-19 symptoms are indicated, will refer you directly to the JHAH PCR drive-through test.

Box Out: Suspected COVID-19 Video Visits

Suspected COVID-19 Video Visits

JHAH offers "Suspected COVID-19 Video Visits" for clinical COVID-19 symptoms assessment through MyChart.

Learn how to book a Suspected COVID-19 Video Visit using MyChart

Box Out: Nurse Care Line

Nurse Care Line

If you have a medical question related to your health or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms,  our caring and expert nurses are here to help.

Call 800-305-4444 and select option 3. To speak to a clinician on the Nurse Care Line.

COVID-19 testing at JHAH

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) is here to safeguard the health of you and your family. COVID-19 testing is critical to measure the spread of infection, treat those who are infected, and enable support measures that limit the disease from spreading.

No symptoms

According to the Ministry of Health(MOH), persons who have been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case do not need to be COVID-19 tested if they have no symptoms.

Mild symptoms

Isolate yourself immediately and:

  • Access “Suspected COVID-19 Video Visits” on MyChart or
  • Call the Nurse Care Line at 800-305-4444 option 3.

A clinician will assess your condition and refer you to the JHAH COVID-19 drive-through testing as indicated.

Continue to stay home and wear a well-fitted mask around others.

Severe symptoms

Proceed to the walk-in clinic or the nearest emergency room.


How to prepare for your test

If you are scheduled to be tested for COVID-19 at JHAH, we will provide you with all the details needed to complete your testing, including pre-documentation, testing location, and the time you should arrive for your screening.

Testing locations

JHAH Drive-Through Screening Station
This is a streamlined process, allowing our JHAH medical professionals to swiftly test the identified candidates, while they are seated in their vehicle.

Walk-in Care clinics
During opening hours

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Outside Walk-in Care clinic opening hours

I need to reschedule my test

If you have been contacted to be tested for COVID-19 at JHAH but you need to reschedule your test, you can call our Nurse Care Line at 800-305-4444, option three, and they will coordinate your test appointment with you.

JHAH clinician phone call
After your COVID-19 test, a JHAH clinician will call you within three working days to advise you of the COVID-19 test results. 

Test results in MyChart
If you are registered in JHAH MyChart, the result of your COVID-19 test will be released in MyChart within three working days.

What if I have missed a call from JHAH?
If it has been more than three working days since you were tested at JHAH, and if you have missed one or multiple calls from our central phone line 800-305-4444, you can call our Nurse Care Line at 800-305-4444, option three, and request your test result.

Positive COVID-19 test results

Asymptomatic individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will be assigned to home quarantine for 14 days, need to fill and submit the Ministry of Health Home Isolation Acceptance form, and must follow the home quarantine guidelines.

Open acceptance form

Symptomatic individuals, who test positive for COVID-19, will be advised by the physician releasing the results if they are candidates for home isolation/quarantine, an isolation/ quarantine facility, or if hospitalization is needed.

Home isolation/quarantine

Individuals on home isolation/quarantine will receive daily JHAH support and monitoring, online or by phone throughout the 14 day quarantine period. 

Download the JHAH Home Isolation Guide

Where should I go if I experience COVID-19 symptoms?

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, or sore throat, JHAH Primary Care has opened a special respiratory area inside our Walk-in Care clinics. Visual triage is conducted for all JHAH registered patients upon entrance and clinical assessment, COVID-19 testing, and case management are all conducted in the safest possible environment of care.

Find your way to the Dhahran special respiratory area or learn more about contacting JHAH during the COVID-19 pandemic

JHAH Drive-Through Screening Station

This is a streamlined process, allowing our JHAH medical professionals to swiftly test the identified candidates, while they are seated in their vehicle.

Walk-in Care clinics

During opening hours

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Outside Walk-in Care clinic opening hours

Emergency Call 911 911 Login to MyChart