Terms of Use | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
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Terms of Use

Legally binding agreement

By viewing, accessing or otherwise using this website, you agree that these Terms of Use form a legally binding agreement between you and Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare Company, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (“JHAH”). If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms of Use, you are not authorized to view this website.

JHAH reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time; your continued viewing of, access to, or other use of this website signifies that you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use as they are amended.

Conditional access

Subject to the applicable terms and conditions to which you signify your agreement, JHAH hereby grants to you the non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable right to view, access and use the content available through this website, including its top-level and applicable sub-level domains and web pages, and the products, services, resources, data, information, text, graphics, audio, video and other content set forth therein or accessible via authorized channels to (the “Site”). You are not authorized to view, access or use portions of the Site or features and functionality thereof that expressly require your enrollment and authorization as provided elsewhere in this Site. Any attempts at unauthorized access and/or elevation of privileges will result in prosecution to the extent of the Laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including but not limited to the Anti-Cyber Crime Law and associated Royal Orders (1412-1428) as detailed in the aforementioned document. The Anti-Cyber Crime Law will be applied in full to all users/viewers of this site (JHAH.com). Applicable international laws and statutes will also apply.

General notices and disclaimers

The Site is for informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for the professional judgment of a qualified healthcare professional in diagnosing and treating patients. Neither JHAH nor its licensors and suppliers of content to the Site give medical advice, or medical or diagnostic services through this Site. Reliance upon features, functionality or other content obtained at or through the Site is solely at your own risk. JHAH cannot and does not assume any responsibility for your use or misuse of patient information or other information transmitted, monitored, stored or received in connection with the site, any errors or omissions in such information, or for any errors or omissions committed by you or anyone gaining access to the site or its content through you. Without limiting any other provision of these Terms of Use, you acknowledge that JHAH is not responsible for loss of data or other failure, outage or interruption in the provision of internet or other communication services by third-party providers.

Links to other websites 

The Site may contain direct links to websites owned or maintained by persons related or unrelated to JHAH. These links are offered strictly as a courtesy for your convenience and should not in any way be construed as an endorsement by JHAH of such third-party websites or their content. JHAH is not responsible for the content of linked third-party websites and makes no representations regarding the content or accuracy of information contained on such third-party websites. Your access to any such third-party websites by way of active links to such sites provided from and within the Site will be solely at your own risk. Usage of any such linked third-party websites is subject to the individual terms and conditions of use of each site, which may among other things place or gather “Cookies” or otherwise collect personal information about persons using such websites. JHAH is not responsible for the privacy policies of or any actions of third parties who control the activities of such third-party websites. Please contact the relevant parties controlling these third-party websites or access their online policies to obtain specific information regarding their data collection practices. Furthermore, JHAH’s Privacy Policy (or any other JHAH policy) should not be interpreted as applicable to third-party sites, even if linked to JHAH.com in any way.


JHAH may accept and post advertising and other content from third parties and may allow certain third parties to post subscription offers and or registration services through the Site. However, except as otherwise expressly stated on the Site, JHAH does not recommend or endorse such third parties or their offers or services, and is in no way responsible for the content or accuracy of such advertisements or the conduct or practices of such third parties.

Proprietary rights 

All products, services, resources, data, information, text, graphics, audio, video, and other content of the Site are and will remain the exclusive property of JHAH and/or its licensors and suppliers, and are protected by applicable copyright law and international treaty worldwide. You hereby assign to JHAH all right, title and interest in any suggestions, ideas, comments or other feedback communicated to JHAH in connection with your access to or use of the Site. Unauthorized or unapproved use of the site or any of its content may constitute copyright infringement and be subject to civil and/or criminal legal penalties.


If you believe that any material on the site constitutes infringement of your copyright or the copyright of any person whom you are authorized to represent, send an email with the details regarding the potential infringement to inquiries@jhah.com.


“Johns Hopkins”, “Aramco” and, “JHAH” are tradenames and or service names of JHAH or its licensors. All other names, brands and marks used in these Terms of Use or on the Site are used for identification purposes only and may be tradenames, trademarks, service names or service marks of their respective owners.

Interactive communications 

JHAH may in its sole discretion make available on or through the Site an online “chat” room, user forum, bulletin board, or other interactive public, quasi-public or authorized users-only discussion venue to which persons not acting on behalf of JHAH may post or upload content for review by others generally. In that event, each user who wishes to participate will be required to acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of a JHAH Interactive Forum User Agreement at the time of his or her initial enrollment in such forum, and again each time that such user logs into such forum using his or her assigned password or other access code(s).

Otherwise, you agree that you will not attempt to post or upload content to the Site of any kind, except as required to complete or maintain your enrollment and otherwise as may be necessary and incidental to the proper and lawful use of this Site and its related features, functionality or other content.

No warranties

Your license to access the site is granted on an “as is and with all faults” basis, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, pertaining to the site or its features, functionality or other content, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Some jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties. Therefore, only if required by applicable law, some or all of the exclusions or limitations above may not apply, and you may have other rights available that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

Exclusion of liability 

You acknowledge and agree that under no circumstances whatsoever will JHAH or any of its affiliates, directors, shareholders, officers, employees, agents or other representatives be responsible or liable to you or any other person for any actual, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential (including lost profits and lost business opportunities), special, exemplary, punitive or any other damages that in any way result from or relate in any manner whatsoever to (1) viewing of, access to, or other use of the site by you or any person gaining access through you (2) reliance by any person on the content of the site, or (3) any act or omission by JHAH or its licensors or suppliers in connection with the site, regardless of whether JHAH has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Some jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion of certain types of damages. Therefore, only if required by applicable law, some or all of the exclusions above may not apply, and you may have other rights available that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.


JHAH has the right to terminate its operation of the Site or your access to the Site at any time and for any reason.

Upon such termination, however caused, the provisions of these Terms of Use that expressly or by implication are intended to apply beyond such termination will survive such termination, including but not limited to the provision that you agree to return or destroy all copies of any content obtained by you from the Site.

Compliance with laws

JHAH operates and/or administers the Site from within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and does not make any representation that features, functionality or other content of the Site are available, appropriate or lawful in any other jurisdiction. Access to such content from jurisdictions where such access is illegal is a violation of these Terms of Use.

You agree not to access or utilize any features, functionality or other content obtained from or through the Site except in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, orders or other restrictions.

Governing law

By providing information to JHAH, each User (i) acknowledges that JHAH operates in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, (ii) agrees to permit us to transmit and use such User’s information anywhere necessary, including across international boundaries, to better improve the services and transactions provided by JHAH and/or its advertisers and other third-party providers, and (iii) agrees that such use by us shall be subject to the terms and conditions stated in this document and the applicable laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The European Union (“EU”) and the United States of America (“U.S.”) have by mutual agreement established a set of guiding data privacy principles known as the “Safe Harbor”, which this document is intended to satisfy. (For more information see www.export.gov/safeharbor/) It is the express wish of the parties that this document and all related documents have been drawn up in the English language and that the English version of this document shall be the sole version used in interpreting and enforcing this document.


All rights not expressly granted in these Terms of Use are reserved to JHAH. No other rights or licenses, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel, or otherwise are conveyed or intended by these Terms of Use. The failure of either party at any time to require the performance by the other party of any provision of these Terms of Use shall in no way affect the right of such party to require performance of that provision. Any waiver by either party of any breach of any provision of these Terms of Use shall not be construed as a waiver of any continuing or succeeding breach of such provisions, a waiver of the provision itself, or a waiver of any right under these Terms of Use. If any part of these Terms of Use is invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed, limited, modified, or, severed so as to eliminate its invalidity or unenforceability, except to the extent that such invalidity or unenforceability gives rise to a fundamental failure of consideration. Failure of any party to perform any obligation under these Terms of Use caused by governmental restrictions, labor disputes, emergency, unavailability of services or materials, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of the party and which could not have been avoided by the party’s use of due care shall not be deemed a breach of these Terms of Use, and if any time period for performance is involved, such period shall be deemed extended accordingly, provided that this sentence shall not apply to the payment of monies. Under local law and treaties, the restrictions and limitations of these Terms of Use may not apply to you; you may have other rights and remedies, and be subject to other restrictions and limitations. 

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