Inpatient Information | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
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Inpatient Information

Coming to the hospital can be an uneasy time for you and your family, and we would like to assure you that our staff at Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) will do their best to make your hospital stay as comfortable as possible.

Box Out: Dhahran


Find out more about how to become a patient at Dhahran.

Register at Dhahran

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Box Out: Al-Hasa


Find out more about how to become a patient at Al-Hasa.

Register at Al-Hasa

Download our welcome guide to Al-Hasa


Before your inpatient visit – what to bring

  • Bring all the medications that you are currently taking. Do not take any of them during your stay unless directed by your physician
  • We advise you not to bring valuable items such as jewelry to the hospital, and to keep only a small amount of money for day-to-day necessities
  • Bring any medical devices that you are currently using, such as hearing aids and dentures
  • Bring any personal toiletry items you would like to have, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and comb
  • Make sure that we have names and contact numbers for family or friends to call if needed

On your arrival, you will be asked to sign a Consent Upon Admission to the Hospital  form. Our staff will give you a wristband that you need to wear at all times during your stay. 

While at the hospital you will be under the care of an attending physician with a team that may include nurses, radiology technicians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, case managers and dieticians.

Meals: Food is an important part of your treatment and wellbeing, and your diet is ordered by your physician based on your medical condition and nutrition status. The menus at JHAH provide a wide range of choices to suit many different needs and restricted diets such as diabetes and hypertension. Breakfast is served 7.15 – 8 a.m, lunch is 12.15 – 1 p.m. and dinner is 6.15 – 7 p.m.

Clothing and amenities: A hospital gown and non-slip socks will be provided. If your treatment and care permits, you are welcome to wear appropriate clothing from home. An amenity pack will be provided. However, you are welcome to bring your own toiletries. If your room is too cold, please ask the nurse in charge for an extra blanket.

Consent to treatment: If you need to have an operation or procedure, a signed consent form will be required. This confirms that you agree to the procedure and understand what is involved. You can withdraw your consent if you change your mind. We encourage you to ask any questions you may have about any aspect of your care before proceeding with the consent to treatment.

Infection prevention and control and hygiene: Hand gel sanitizers are available for use by staff and visitors next to every bed. It is okay for you to make sure that our staff clean their hands before assisting you. Should you have any concerns about the cleanliness of the ward environment, bathrooms or equipment, kindly inform the nurse in charge of your care. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water before eating and after using the commode or toilet. Kindly ask for help if you need any. If it is difficult for you to access the sink, you may use a wet wipe provided by our staff. Please avoid touching any invasive device such as a catheter, drain or drip, or wound dressing.

Watcher/chaperone: With the physician's permission, a chaperone is allowed in certain circumstances where the patient has extra needs.

Laundry: We kindly request that you arrange for a relative or friend to take your personal clothes home for washing.

Use of mobile phones: You will be asked to keep your phone on silent or vibrate as a courtesy to other patients.

Photography and filming in the hospital: To protect the privacy of both patients and staff, it is prohibited to use camera phones or other cameras to take pictures or make video/ audio recordings within the hospital.

No smoking: Smoking is prohibited in all our hospital buildings. This includes the use of e-cigarettes. Outdoor smoking areas are available.

Leaving the ward: If you wish to leave the ward, kindly notify the nurse in charge of your care. This is to ensure that you are well enough to do so and for staff members to be able to locate you at all times.

Your room: You will be assigned to a single or double occupancy room according to your medical condition.

Patient identification: For your safety, our staff will give you a wristband that you need to wear at all times during your stay at the hospital. Keeping it on is important to make sure that you are receiving the right treatment.

Staff identification: Our care teams wear hospital identification badges showing their names. They are encouraged to introduce themselves to you by name and let you know their role. If you are unsure about the identity of a staff member, kindly ask them to introduce themselves.

Fall prevention: Due to certain side effects from medication, acute illness, disorientation because of unfamiliar surroundings, or problems with balance, you may be at a higher risk of falling while at the hospital. The staff will do their best to minimize that risk and provide you with additional information.

Skin assessment - the maintenance of your skin: Skin assessment is concerned with keeping your skin in good condition while you are at the hospital. If you are at risk, the nursing staff will check your pressure points regularly to prevent pressure injury.

Reducing the risk of a blood clot: During or after a period of inactivity, there could be a risk that blood clots can develop in the body. To help reduce this risk, drink plenty of fluids and keep mobile. If you had an operation, try to move about, firstly in bed and then as soon as possible out, with your team’s support. As you will be at risk until you are back to your usual level of activity, we may provide you with tight fitting stockings to wear and sequential devices. These will help squeeze your feet and legs so the blood moves effectively around your body.

Discharge planning: During your stay, your clinical team will plan your discharge with you and your caregiver. We will discuss your needs for discharge; ensure you are provided with any equipment, services or special help that you may require for going home; and your expected date for discharge will be established.

Discharge day: We aim to discharge all patients prior to 2 p.m. on their day of discharge. You will be given a letter about any medication that you will need to take following discharge, a supply of medication, your medical plan and any follow-up appointments. Your medical condition may alter your time and the day of your discharge, but we will let you know as soon as possible if this is the case, so that you can make suitable arrangements. If you require medical transportation by ambulance, this will be arranged for you by your nurse. If you do not require medical transportation, we recommend that you arrange for a friend or relative to collect you.

Case manager: If you need services post-discharge or require our home care service to visit you in your home and/or you require durable medical equipment such as a hospital bed or commode chair, your case manager will arrange this for you. Your case manager will also arrange ongoing hospitalization in a JHAH-contracted extended care facility if your physician has recommended this care.

Physiotherapy: If you require ongoing physiotherapy, this will be done on an outpatient basis. Your physiotherapist will provide you with your scheduled appointment time. Your physiotherapist will also provide mobility aides such as walkers and canes if you require these devices.

Find out more about our rehabilitation services

Home health care:  If you require ongoing nursing care in your home, our nurses will provide this care and teach you and your family what you need to know to help you become as independent as possible. Our services include: wound care, intravenous (IV) fluid/ antibiotic therapy, tube feeding, urinary catheter care and blood collection for bedbound patients. Your physician will order this care and provide a treatment plan. Home care will be provided for a limited time. You will be asked to sign a consent to treatment form prior to leaving the hospital.

Extended care facilities: If you need ongoing medical care in an extended care facility, we have contracted facilities in the region that provide this service. If your physician recommends extending your care, a family meeting will be held with your sponsor to discuss your options. Your case manager will help you with this process.

Patient and family feedback

We value your feedback as it helps us to improve services for all. Let us know what you think either by talking to your hospital team or by taking our patient satisfaction survey sent to you via SMS 72 hours after your discharge. To send us feedback, concerns or praise for a particular staff member, please fill in the form.

Patient and family rights

We aim to drive and enhance the wellbeing of the community in an environment of growth and learning by providing innovative, integrated and patient-centered care.

Read more about our patient rights and responsibilities information to find out more about the rights you and your family have while being cared for by Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare. 

In case of emergency

In the event of emergency or fire, keep calm and follow these simple instructions:

  • Call "911" and JHAH Control Room 870-8111 and report the incident
  • Say: "This is an emergency"
  • Describe the incident location
  • Describe the incident
  • Report any injuries
  • Give your name and badge number

More hospital information

Health and wellbeing

Health programs for you

At JHAH, we are here for you not just when you are ill, but also to help you stay well. That is why we have a range of programs to help you create a healthier you.

We believe in providing help and support to achieve and maintain improved health and wellbeing, from programs that support you in achieving better health outcomes, to self-management guides for long-term health conditions. It is all part of our commitment to helping you live a healthier, happier life.

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