Safe at JHAH | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
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Safe at JHAH

As we continue to take precautions to protect against the spread of COVID-19, our patients, staff, and the community remain our highest priority and we must do everything we can to keep them safe and healthy.  

Are you coming for a medical visit?

COVID-19 symptoms

If you have any of these symptoms below, cancel your visit and go to the Walk-in Care Clinic for an assessment

  • Fever or history of fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Body aches/fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting/nausea
  • Runny nose or sore throat
  • Loss of taste or smell

COVID-19 special precautions

Cancel your visit and request a telephone or MyChart video visit at 800-305-4444 if you:

  • are currently in-home quarantine (managed by Home Quarantine Group due to a positive result/returned healthcare worker/contact/return traveler)
  • are currently waiting for a COVID-19 test result
  • have any family members that are COVID-19 positive in the last two weeks or are waiting for a result

To ensure your safety, as well as that of our staff members and others, please arrive at the clinic no more than 15 minutes before your appointment time. Should you arrive early, you may be requested to wait in your vehicle or in an alternative waiting area.

Protect yourself and others by washing your hands, wearing your mask, and watching your distance. Check yourself for COVID-19 symptoms and adhere to our COVID-19 special precautionary guidelines.

We request that you come alone to your appointment. However, if necessary, you may bring one person to escort you. This will help us provide you with the highest level of care in a protected and uncrowded environment.  

Admission and assessment

In the Admission and Assessment Unit (AAU) the mother and baby will be assessed to decide whether to admit or discharge the mother. The stay should take less than four hours and visitors are not allowed inside the AAU but may wait in the hospital waiting area and will be notified when the assessment is concluded.


  • Upon admission, you and your nurse will create your visitor plan for your labor and delivery experience. You may have whomever you wish at your delivery, as long as we can safely provide care
  • Upon arrival at the Labor and Delivery Unit, you will be tested for COVID-19
  • You are allowed only one approved visitor for the duration of your labor and delivery
  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19, as a precautionary measure you cannot have a visitor during your stay in the Labor & Delivery and Inpatient units
  • You are not required to wear a face mask while you are in your room but you must wear a face mask while outside of patient rooms, including in the radiology clinic, in our hallways, and during transport to procedures


  • Before being allowed access to the Labor and Delivery Unit, visitors will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms
  • The designated visitor may accompany the patient to the postpartum unit after the delivery and before leaving the hospital
  • Visitors are required to wear a mask in all areas of JHAH
  • Visitors will be provided with a food voucher when the patient is going through labor

Induction of labor

Induction and the progression of labor may take hours or even days. We recommend the support person to leave during early induction and return to support the mother when the midwife calls at the commencement of labor.


Newborns will remain with mothers except under special circumstances, such as severe illness or fever. We encourage that you breastfeed your newborn.

Moving around in our health centers

To keep patients, visitors, and staff safe at JHAH we ask everyone to follow preventive measures and maintain physical distance in our clinics, waiting areas, and hallways.

We have redesigned our patient waiting areas, using visual cues to keep patients at a safe physical distance before they are called into their visit.

Our hospital waiting rooms, examination rooms, equipment, and surfaces are regularly disinfected and sanitized daily following the highest standards.

All patients, family members, and staff are required to wear a mask throughout our facilities at all times. Our doctors and nurses may be wearing additional protective gear, including face shields to ensure your safety and theirs.

Hand sanitizing stations are installed throughout our facilities. Our clinicians sanitize/wash their hands before and after each patient visit.

All patients, family members, and JHAH staff are screened upon entering our facilities. This consists of applying hand sanitizer, getting checked for high temperature using an infra-red non-contact thermometer, and answering questions related to travel history and being assessed for symptoms.

Are you visiting a patient?

To prevent the spread of this virus, we do not allow visitors to access our facilities, except for in particular circumstances. JHAH has instituted temporary guidelines for visitors and escorts at all JHAH hospital and clinic locations.

All visitation exceptions require approval by the patient’s physician prior to the visit. Please contact Admission & Discharge upon your arrival. 


One patient-preferred visitor is allowed to support during the birth (the visitor will be expected to leave after delivery). See more under the 'Labor and delivery special measures' section.

Emergency Room

One visitor is allowed at the bedside during emergency treatment.

Emergency surgery after a traumatic event

One visitor is allowed per patient undergoing urgent/emergency surgery. When the patient is taken to the procedure room, the visitor/escort should wait outside the hospital. Escorts will be contacted to return to the hospital when the patient is ready to go home.

Pediatric patients

One parent or guardian is allowed for patients aged 0-14 years.

Physical or cognitive assistance

For patients who need physical or cognitive assistance, one visitor is allowed per patient.

Hospital discharge

One visitor is allowed upon discharge for patients with outpatient hospital-based invasive procedures, including surgery/moderate sedation. One visitor is allowed to accompany the patient for hospital discharge.


One visitor is allowed to support patient rehabilitation needs.

Critically ill and end-of-life

One visitor is allowed at a time for patients at end-of-life or critically ill as indicated by the treatment team.

Oncology Treatment Center

No visitor/escort is permitted in our cancer care infusion clinic due to increased risk to immunocompromised patients; visitors must wait outside the hospital or in designated areas per instruction from the treatment team. Escorts will be contacted to return to the hospital when the patient is ready to go home.

All visitors/escorts are requested to wait outside the hospital facilities. Visitors/escorts may return when the patient has been cleared to be picked up.

To maintain safe physical distancing in the waiting areas, for clinic appointments, patients should be dropped off no more than 15 minutes before their scheduled appointments.

Approved visitors at JHAH are advised to follow the below COVID-19 preventive measures. Failure or inability to comply with these directions will require immediate exit from the hospital or clinics.


All visitors will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever or chills, cough or shortness of breath, and will not be permitted to visit if symptomatic.

Wear a mask

All visitors must wear a face mask to enter any Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) facility.

Hand hygiene

All visitors must maintain hand hygiene and infection control protocols throughout the duration of their visit.

Family members or friends of any approved visitors will not be allowed to enter the hospital facility or wait in lobbies or common areas, including any/all common spaces, cafeteria, and food court within the care location.

Patients admitted to the Inpatient and Labor & Delivery units, who have tested positive for COVID-19, will not be allowed to have a visitor with them during their stay.

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