Peter Najjar | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare


Dr. Peter Najjar

Dr. Peter Najjar

Assistant Professor of Surgery, Ravitch Division of Colorectal Surgery

Medical Director of Clinical Operations, Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality

Dr. Peter Najjar is the Medical Director of Clinical Operations for Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality. He is also an Assistant Professor and clinically-active surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital, specializing in advanced colorectal care and robotic surgery.  He completed clinical training in general and colorectal surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Dana-Farber Cancer Center in Boston, where he also completed the Harvard Medical School Fellowship in Patient Safety and Quality. He is an alumnus of the University of California, Davis (BS), the University of Chicago (MD), and Harvard Business School (MBA).

Dr. Peter Najjar's operational and research foci converge on improving value at the hospital/health system level through robust measurement, feedback, and improvement of front-line clinical data, costs, and care process reliability. He is experienced in health system quality and safety governance, risk mitigation to drive strategic growth, and practical implementation of care improvement programs using financially sustainable strategies. He has also written extensively about quality and safety improvement work, including administrative/financial considerations.


JHAH Patient Safety Symposium 2022

Dr. Najjar will be speaking at JHAH’s 2022 International Quality and Patient Safety Symposium “The impact of Quality & Patient Safety in Transforming Healthcare”, which will be held on March 20-21. 

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