Jaffar Al-Tawfiq | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare


Dr. Jaffar Al-Tawfiq

Dr. Jaffar Al-Tawfiq

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

Director of Accreditation & Infection Control

Associate Professor Jaffar Al-Tawfiq is a Consultant of Internal Medicine & Infectious Diseases and the Director of Accreditation and Infection Control at JHAH.

He is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases.

Dr. Al-Tawfiq has received several accomplishment awards locally and internationally.

He is recognized as a world leader in coronaviruses and is a top global expert in infection control.

Dr. Al-Tawfiq is a scientist and researcher, and his current interests include hospital epidemiology, healthcare-associated infections, antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic stewardship, and emerging respiratory pathogens including MERS-CoV and COVID-19. He is also renowned as a researcher in mass gatherings.


JHAH Patient Safety Symposium 2022

Dr. Al-Tawfiq will be speaking at JHAH’s 2022 International Quality and Patient Safety Symposium “The impact of Quality & Patient Safety in Transforming Healthcare”, which will be held on March 20-21. 

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